Where Do I Want to Go?

I wanted to do a slightly different post today, and I wanted to talk about something that I thought was just as important to your career as technical knowledge, and that was your motivation.

A few days ago I had an interesting conversation with a coworker about what motivates me to work like a dog, even though the company is the one that's reaping all of the benefits from my work. I told him the idea that motivated me is that "Don't think about it as your working for the man, think of it as I got somewhere to go, and this is the path I'm taking."

By turning in around, you can internalize that you are in control of your own fate, and that the actions you do will move you to where you want to be. Take the opportunities that life gives you and make it part of your journey. Once you start to think you are not in control of your own destiny, I believe that's when you become jaded and lose out on the opportunities that life gives you.

It keeps me going during long days, that each hour I spend working is an hour that I've spent towards mastering my craft. A familiar idea is that in order to become buff, you gotta go to the gym every day. Every day I have to grind my computer science knowledge to become better at coding.


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