Hash Tables
Preface Hash Tables are a very important data structure that I think that many novice programmers such as myself don't fully utilize in their programming. Here I will explain: What is a Hash Table? How do they Work? What are some effective uses for Hash Tables? What is a Hash Table? Hash tables can be classified as "associate arrays", which basically it is an array structure that can map a "key" to some "value". A key is some unique identifying value that you can use to "identify" some specific object or value. I think the most given example of this key/value pairing would be the student ID example. For each student, they can be identified by their unique student ID. No other student can have their student ID as long as the student is active in the school. What is associated with that student ID, is a student record, which may contain: age, school level, classes taken, and any other data you would like to record. ...